WATCH LIST: Netflix & Chill

by - April 17, 2020

Hello magical girls! ♡ I actually don't know what day we are in already in this entire quarantine situation. I've been working remotely for more than a month already and a lot of the rules have changed since then. Since the start of the week, our community here in Bulacan is only allowed to go out for grocery runs for one day and only the household head can go out. Yup! Challenging times. 😟 Anyway, since the whole Covid-19 mess started, I was able to catch up on a lot of things especially my Netflix series! I am such a slow ass kid when it comes to catching up with tv shows, I'm not a binge-watcher like most people are. No matter how good a series is, I get bored after a max of four 1-hour long episodes. Can you believe it took me more than a month to finish Crash Landing On You? 😅 Anyway, I'll make a list of series that I am currently watching and/or have already finised in this post. ♡ No more long descriptions cause I suck in explaining a plot. 😅
  1. Series: Jesus Code
  2. Series: How I Met Your Mother
  3. Series: You [I know right, still trying to finish season 2 but it's so good I wonder why I can't binge 😓]
  4. Studio Ghibli: When Marnie Was There
  5. Studio Ghibli: My Neighbor Totoro
  6. Studio Ghibli: Spirited Away [I've seen this even before they had this in Netflix and it's so good I don't mind watching this over and over again ♡]
  7. Series: The Big Bang Theory
  8. Series: FRIENDS [thankful that we still have it in Netflix PH. I watch this everytime I am sad and that means everyday]
  9. Movie: All The Bright Places
  10. Movie: Love Wedding Repeat
I know there's so much more! Let's save it for the next post in this series ♡
How about you? What's your favorite Netflix series/movies? ♡ Hope you can also share it with me in the comment section.

xo ♡

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