How I Stay Productive At Home

by - October 12, 2020

I lost count on how long we’ve been staying at home because of COVID-19. I honestly thought this was just going to be like a few weeks thing when we started planning out the skeletal workforce scheme because of the rapid spread of the virus in Manila.

Anyway... 😆 Here's what I do to stay productive!

I start my day by checking my phone. Don't get me wrong though, my iPhone is connected to my company portal so all events and emails are synced. Normally, I start my day by checking my calendar to see if I have any scheduled meetings or interviews in order for me to manage my time wisely. I am guilty of being a procrastinator so I need to keep track of what important appointments that I have. Personally, aside from the calendar app, I also have a Weekly Task Tracker where I list down the tasks that I need to do for the day then I highlight all completed tasks. 💛

Here's a sample of a weekly desk planner:

Aside from listing down the things that I need to accomplish, I also need my daily caffeine fix. I can't function properly without my morning coffee! 💙😋

For my tasks, I categorize everything by priority. 💁 With my job in recruitment, it is important to prioritize tasks because there are too many administrative tasks aside from the actual recruitment process. When you're doing end to end recruitment, you need to understand the importance of prioritizing your work to avoid missing little details. 

Remember to take breaks! 😊 I got into a point wherein the boundaries between work and home ultimately became thinner and thinner. That's why I've learned to take breaks from time to time. I make sure to complete the required number of hours at work then log off completely after hours. I turn off email and phone notifications. I put OOO alerts in my emails during weekends. Working from home doesn't mean you need to be available 24/7. Make sure to maintain boundaries. 💜

I also make time for my hobbies. 😀 I've acquired so many new hobbies when we started working remotely so I need to make sure that I am consistent this time. For example, I practice Ukulele during weekends and digital art after work for about an hour. Time management is the key. 👍

The important rule I guess is to take one day at a time. Write down your schedule and to-do list and make sure to follow it. 😅 I am also guilty of writing lists but just leave it around the corner, it took me a while to change those habits but it is possible! Don't pressure yourself, follow your own pace and do only the things that you can. 💜

Till next time!

💜 riri

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